Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Conference Whor Free Spirit

Well, I haven't quite managed to move into Fictionworld full time, but next week I'm visiting Writerworld: the Romance Writers of America National Conference in Manhattan. I have been called a conference whore, and I except that title proudly. I was hooked from the moment I attended my first ever writing conference more than ten years ago. At last I had found my people. (Readers and writers, or you know, the people who are never quite all there when you talk to them because there's something really cool going on in their head.)

I usually do get something useful out of the workshops and I always get something useful from the opportunity to talk to other writers, but there's an amazing energy from being in the same place as so many other people who usually spend all their time in their heads. Even when I'm convinced my face is permanently carved with an over-bright smile, I'm still glad to be there.

What's more, they have this huge book signing on Tuesday, July 28 (picture that in bright blinking letters) that is open to the general public and the room fills with bibliophiles. Sometimes I'm even lucky enough to connect with a reader who came there to find me. (Please, please come find me. It's alphabetical. I'm in the M's. You don't have to buy anything, just say hi!) The books sold benefit literacy. On top of that, Samhain is doing a special publisher signing on Friday, July 24 beginning at 3:30. You can have me sign some books. For free!

The literacy book signing is at the Marriott Marquis in Times Square. I hope to see you at one of these events in Reader-Writer-Bookworld. It's as close to Fictionworld as I'm going to be for the next week.

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